Automating DNS Management in Kubernetes with External-DNS and Cloudflare

kubernetes gitops
By Thomas Kooi

Automating DNS Management with External-DNS, FluxCD, and Cloudflare Managing DNS records can invole a lot of manual work. If you’ve ever had to manually copy and paste IP addresses to create DNS records, or tried to rely on wildcard entries that point to a single load balancer IP or CNAME, you know the pain. It often goes something like this: you run kubectl to grab the load balancer IP, then hop over to your Terraform DNS repo, make the necessary changes, create a Merge Request, wait for the review, and only after all that, you finally get the DNS record updated.

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Automating DNS Management in Kubernetes with External-DNS and Cloudflare

Automating DNS Management with External-DNS, FluxCD, and Cloudflare Managing DNS records can invole a lot of manual work. If you’ve ever had to manually copy and paste IP addresses to create DNS records, or tried to rely on wildcard entries that point to a single load balancer IP or CNAME, you know the pain. It often goes something like this: you run kubectl to grab the load balancer IP, then hop over to your Terraform DNS repo, make the necessary changes, create a Merge Request, wait for the review, and only after all that, you finally get the DNS record updated.

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