Kubernetes has quickly become the industry standard for managing applications in the cloud. What was once seen as a complex technology is now part of the basics for companies looking to grow and scale their digital operations. These days, setting up a Kubernetes cluster is fairly straightforward, and many teams can get up and running in no time. However, just because it’s easy to set up doesn’t mean it’s always done right.
Lees artikelKubernetes has quickly become the industry standard for managing applications in the cloud. What was once seen as a complex technology is now part of the basics for companies looking to grow and scale their digital operations. These days, setting up a Kubernetes cluster is fairly straightforward, and many teams can get up and running in no time. However, just because it’s easy to set up doesn’t mean it’s always done right.
Uitgebreide Kubernetes & Cloud-Native Audits Onze auditdienst biedt diepgaande inzichten en aanbevelingen om jouw cloud-native omgeving te optimaliseren. Ontdek hoe wij in vijf stappen jouw infrastructuur veiliger en toekomstbestendig maken: Configuratie Review Grondige controle van jouw Kubernetes-configuratie Netwerkbeveiliging Bescherm jouw netwerkverkeer tegen bedreigingen Observability en Inzicht Volledige controle over prestaties en beveiliging Remediatie en Aanbevelingen Concreet actieplan om je omgeving te versterken Configuratie Review We beoordelen jouw configuratie op toegang, netwerkbeveiliging en resourcegebruik om kwetsbaarheden te identificeren en verbeteringen door te voeren.