Namens Jeroen Veldhorst en mijzelf ben ik blij medetedelen dat wij per juli lid zijn geworden van de Dutch Cloud Community (DCC)! Dit is een belangrijke mijlpaal voor ons bedrijf en we willen graag delen waarom dit zo’n waardevolle stap is, die volledig in lijn ligt met onze missie.
As software and DevOps engineers, spinning up new PostgreSQL deployments for various applications, clusters, and environments is a straightforward task. However, these deployments inevitably require updates over time. Not all PostgreSQL deployments are managed by an operator, and upgrading these instances can involve significant manual effort.
Your time spend on code review should be optimized as much as possible. Automation is something that can help you with this, and detecting security bugs within go code can be done using tools such as gosec. This post looks into configuring reviewdog to assist in Gitlab Merge Request reviews using tools such as gosec.
When you work on infrastructure, develop helm charts or simply want you run your tests in a more production like environment, running Kubernetes on your Gitlab CI may a good fit for you. Luckily, it’s only a little bit of configuration to set-up!